Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's Your Therapy?

We all have bad days. We have days when we are stressed or sad or angry. There are SO many ways to treat ourselves. Here a few. Please add to the list.

1. Retail Therapy: go shopping and buy things that make you feel good. Positives:  you get new things. Risks: you may spend money you don't have, and you may find nothing which leads you feeling worse

2. Manual Labor Therapy: (moving furniture, deep cleaning, yard work): do something that takes above average physical energy. Positives: you often end up crossing things off of your to-do list, physical exertion increases endorphines  Risks: you may be sore in the morning

3. Alcohol Therapy:  drink alcohol. Positives: you relax and things don't look so bad  Risks: hangover

4. Paint Therapy: (specifically created for myself) paint a room. Positives: your house gets a make-over and a refreshed feeling  Risks: it may end up very ugly, and you HAVE to redo it, which increases bad day

5. Chocolate Therapy: eat chocolate of any form  Positives: YOU ARE EATING CHOCOLATE! Risks: chocolate is not actually good for you  (Note: you can substitute any favorite treat, and it works the same)

6. Walking: get out and walk around the blocking looking at wonderful things  Positives: endorphins, health, seeing beautiful things   Risks: you may trip on a crack and fall and break your back...  :) 

7. Cruising Therapy: get in the car and drive; turn on the radio and sing  Positives: things always look better in new surroundings, music only makes things better.  Risks: gas prices are WAY too high

8. Child Therapy: spend time with a young child; play with them  Positives: laughter, imaginary worlds  Risks: child could throw a tantrum, cry, leak fluids, etc.   (This works the same way with pets- they play well too.)

9. Book Therapy: curl up and read a good book  Positives: imaginary places, escape your own life   Risks: paper cuts?

10. Gal Therapy: spend time with the girls eating, talking, crafting- girl things  Positives: laughter, sympathetic ears, inspiration  Risks: watch your budget

1 comment:

Lacey Sue said...

I am mix of walking(running)/cruising/child/gal therapy!!!