Friday, November 19, 2010

What is right is not always easy...

What is really right?

If you intentionally deceive another,
to allow them to be happy
for a moment...

Are you really helping them?

By lying you choose the path
for another to follow
and take away their choice...

Is that fair to them?

By betraying one to save another
you make one more important
and the other less...

Is that the message you want to send?

Hiding the truth to prevent pain
creates agony in those
knowing the truth...

Should they have to live with that?


Are you really doing what is right?

More importantly...

Am I really doing what is right?

If I allow one person to be deceived
If I let one person believe lies
If I withhold the truth
and help them be betrayed...

In order to protect another...

Am I doing what is right?

If I deceive a deceiver
Lie to a liar
Betray a person who betrays
Hide truth from a person who hurts others

In the name of fighting for what is right...
In the name of fighting for what is good...

Am I doing what is right?