Friday, July 29, 2011

Rings & Boxes

Andy started wearing his wedding ring again early last week. Seeing it on his finger just made me happy. Every time I have seen him in the last two weeks, I just want to rub his ring finger and touch the ring.

He took it out from where it was kept awhile ago, and he's been carrying it in his pockets for a couple of months now. Him doing that made me happy, but seeing him slip it on to his finger makes me heart, mind, and soul align in a moment of joy and contentment.

I took my ring out of my cedar chest two months ago- and put the box on my night stand. (No, I never got rid of it. I tucked it away a year ago, certain eventually I would know what to do with it. I'm glad I didn't get rid of it.)

Side note- a few months ago I was in an apartment and found another woman's wedding ring left behind in the medicine cabinet. It broke my heart to know the a symbol of something so sacred was on a shelf next to old toothpaste and expired medication. 

Back to the more important ring- mine. It sat on my night stand, and I would look at it before going to bed. I took it to Europe with me, not wanting to leave it behind.

I have been wanting to wear it again, but wasn't sure when. I assumed it would be an odd feeling, or an overwhelming feeling. This last Sunday morning I put it on for the first time in over a year. And it was just- normal. It seemed like it had been there all along. There was no overwhelming emotion either positive or negative- it just felt like the ring was where it belonged. 

The first time Andy saw it on- he had to rub my finger just like I do his.  :)

Two months ago we decided Andy would move home at the end of July. Tonight, Andy started carrying his boxes into the house. In fact, there is a huge pile of boxes in our living room right now, and it has given me perma grin. All of my worries faded when the first box was set down on my living room floor. His things belong here, with him and me.

Andy is moving home.

I picked up a first box to help him unload the car, and then I was overwhelmed with excitement and joy. I was carrying in Andy's things- and we are making this house OUR home again. We couldn't unload fast enough for me- and I just want to start unpacking the boxes!!!

Andy isn't completely moved home yet. He has more boxes to pack and a few more car loads to bring down. But, considering our journey to get him home started over ten months ago, two more days is nothing.

I sit and stare at my ring and these boxes, and I just feel peace.


Mark and Kyra Herbst said...

I'm so happy for you Jamie. Here's to happily ever after!

Unknown said...

Thanks Kyra!!!