Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Funny Article

I read an article on how to answer tough questions from kids. It was informative and insightful. (And completely useless information...)

But at the end, the author threw in this, and it made me smile:

Answers You Wish You Could Give, but Can't

Q: Why were you on top of Mommy, Daddy?

A: She doesn't like reverse cowgirl all that much.

Q: What happens when you die?

A: Worms feed on your eyes.

Q: Who do you love best?

A: Your younger sister. And it's "whom."

Q: Is Santa real?

A: Dude, do you really believe elves who live in a part of the world without much of an electrical infrastructure can program Wii games? Think, Frank, think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I printed this off to show Ty--LOL can't stop laughing!! :) Thanks for sharing!! :)