Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rules for a Happiness Walk

1. If any rules bring more stress than joy, ignore the rule and make your own.
2. Smile (not constantly... but often)
3. If you walk under a tree, breath deeply
4. Smell all the flowers you can reach from the sidewalk
5. Walk through sprinklers, not around
6. Say hello to everyone you cross paths with
7. Find at least five things that have make you smile- Write them down or SHARE

Today's "Smiles"
- the two year old that practiced waving with me
- the elderly couple walking arm in arm down the street
- the leaves in the mountains are turning red
- the little girls having a picnic in their yard
- the sunset!
- the person sitting out front writing a guitar song
- the dog that looked like might Great Grandma's
- meeting my new neighbors

1 comment:

Wright Family Fun!! said...

Reading your blog just made me smile, tear up a bit, and miss you like CRASY! I love you Jamie and wish you nothing but the best in life! You are an amazing person!! I can't wait for Jamie time this Saturday! I miss you!