Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Taking Advantage of an Early Morning

I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep for a few weeks now. In fact, in three weeks I remember once when I didn't wake up at all, and only 3 nights when I woke up but went back to sleep within 10 minutes. Usually, I'm just awake for hours.

Many wonder why. Here- I'll give you the top three reasons.
How's that? Yeah... not telling.

But, this morning I woke up and the lack of sleep didn't bother me. I listened to the rain outside. And, I had to be in it. I dressed quickly, and warmly, and headed out. I watched the rain fall in front of the street lights. I smiled at my neighbor's purple porch light (Halloween!). I jumped in a shallow puddle. I only went around me block (safety first in the dark!), but it was a nice walk.

Then, I decided to figure out what the whole LDS Conference talk vs. LGBT Community debate is about. I read several articles... and knew instantly that something was wrong. So, I watched the talk. I'm not LDS. I'm not homosexual. But really- so many articles are taking quotes out of context. They are using the few words and twisting them to make it sound like the talk said a lot of stuff it didn't. Saying that the LDS church condones not loving a homosexual person... really??? Where did you get that???

I am not happy about the issue- I'm happy that my debate instincts have kicked in.

It has been a good morning.

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