Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things I forget, but want to remember...

Sometimes, I do something that I've done before, and it is like I'm experiencing it for the first time. It makes me giddy happy. When it is done, I always ask myself, "Why don't I do this more often?"

So, this is my reminder blog- things that I overlook but that bring me joy.

1. Grading papers at Denny's. (Or reading...)
2. Playing with my dogs (My poor, poor dogs are neglected too often...)
3. Manual labor- snow shoveling, sorting food, etc.
4. Watching a sports event, and getting into it
5. Turning on my Christmas lights (PS- I added more ornaments tonight, and it looks so much better)
6. Baths- with music and books (Hmmm.... I think my plans tonight are canceled so....)
7. Wii fit or DDR
8. Scrapbooking & cross-stitching
9. Reading a book
10. Breaded pork chops
11. Walks in the mountains
12. Smelling roses in stores

And I know there are so many more... but the whole point of this blog is to remind me of things I too often forget, and well... there are obviously things I haven't remembered yet. :)

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