Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Being 'Single'

Before going any further into this blog, I want it to be clear- I am NOT technically single. I am still married. Andy and I are trying to reconcile our marriage and I am very much in that relationship. The end desire is for Andy to come home and for us to be a family again. I could list a thousand things I liked about married life, but I won't yet.

There are many things I miss about having Andy around. But, I vowed the day he moved out that I wasn't going to wallow over the things I no longer had- I was going to enjoy this new experience.

You see, over the last year, I have lived more 'single' than I have ever lived before. Even in college I had roommates- even if I never saw them. I always lived in places with strict rules about behavior. I once lived in the dorms where we had weekly chores and they were actually checked!

I am truly living single now. And, being single has its advantages- and today I am going to share them. If you remember your single life- add to the list. I know you readers love your hubbies and families and would never trade them- but single life does have perks.

 I think the best thing about being 'single' is that I have found out so much about myself. I am happy- and I realize that I am a happy person. I get stressed, I get angry, I get sad- but I really enjoy life.

And, these are the things that I love about being single-
1. My bathroom door is never closed anymore (and the lid is always down)
2. I can double dip anything I want!
3. I can donate money to any cause I want
4. Cheaper to travel- and I get to go anywhere I want, on my schedule
5.  I can eat tacos three nights in a row if I feel like it- and mac & cheese, or hotdogs, or pizza...
6. Speaking of pizza- the perfect pizza is easy on the sauce, stuff crust, extra cheese...
7. My favorite show can be watched over and over, and the DVR is always available to record my stuff
8. Bedtime- whenever I dang well please
9. The house is much cleaner because I know the mess is mine, and I don't mind cleaning up after myself
10. Pajamas all day? You bet. Pajamas right after school? Why not? I can wear anything I want... or don't want...
11. 'Budget' is a guideline only-
12. Midnight cruise up the canyon? Why not?  Four am Denny's? Sure.
13. Two words: temperature control
14.  My scrapbook stuff hasn't been put away in a month!
15. Want a new car? Which one... that one. :)


Mark and Kyra Herbst said...

Sleeping in, going to movies, keeping the light on so I can read my book in bed before going to sleep, shopping for cute clothes - just for me; yes, James, there is MUCH to like about being single. :)

Unknown said...

Yes! The cute clothes for me- anytime I want them- nice!