Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Update on my recent life...

This blog was supposed to be me tracking my soul's voice... and I have hardly blogged at all lately.

What does that say about my soul?  Yup, it pretty much went silent during the month of March because life is just so hectic. But, there were some things that made me happy- either mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. 

1. I was blessed to be given a new job! I love working the testing sessions for the district gifted program. It is structured, precise, and something that challenges me. They have asked me to actually be in charge of all testing for elementary students next year. I get to hire/train proctors and organize the test session itself. I am so excited!

2. I get to be a mentor again next year. I'm not sure that I've helped Natalie much, but it feels so good to be given the opportunity to mentor a new teacher. They've asked me to do it again next year with another new teacher. I am just so thrilled for this chance.

3. George and Reba- April 2. Going to this concert just made me happy. I went with Kim, and it was just fun. We talked as much as we watched but it sure was fun. I even forgive her for liking one of Reba's worst songs!!!! But, part of what made it so awesome was knowing my folks were in the audience too. I am so glad they were able to see it, and they both sure seemed to enjoy it. I wish we could have talked about it longer, but we had to mad dash it to our car in the pouring rain. And we got soaked, which also made my soul happy.

4. Re-Arranging/Painting- I feel like I have a new house. In December I was able to completely redecorate my bathroom thanks to my family getting me everything I needed for Christmas. This last weekend I rearranged two rooms in my house, and it is just refreshing! I painted the kitchen too, and though I hated it for several days, now that it is really dry- it has grown on me.  I'm actually going to finish it after this blog.

5. Girls Night/Day- Let's see- the scrapbook expo with my mom was a blast. We didn't get mobbed like they did last year, but we had fun making the loop and buying way too much paper. Denny's with old friends- yup there were six teachers, and we all stayed up way past our bedtimes. But that is what happens when you get five old friends and a new friend together. Tale of Two Cities with CJ- just so fun! I already wrote about the play, but hanging with my sister is nothing short of amazing. The concert with Kim- again, so much fun! And finally, church girl's night was uplifting. I've never been in a group where I knew the girls better than the guys, but it is nice.

6. Volcanoes! I got to teach the last two Saturdays of March, and part of my lesson involved erupting a volcano, or rather letting a bunch of kids erupt their own. I've never heard so much excitement! The last class got to do it four times because we were using up the vinegar- and their last screams were as loud as the first.   :)

7. Tickets- I have tickets to Europe. I am going to Rome, Paris, London, and Edinburgh. It is like a dream come true that it still unbelievable. Andy is coming too, which makes me even more excited. Things are good between us, and I can't wait to get on the plane with him. Exciting parts of the trip include multiple castles, Stonehenge, and seeing Wicked in London.  :) 

Despite all the craziness of the last month- it has been good for my soul. 

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