Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Interesting Thoughts

A year ago, this man handed me my perfect world on a silver platter wrapped up with a pretty little bow. He told me my probable future, and though it wasn't for certain, it was absolutely amazing. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. I wanted to jump up and down as I talked with this man.

Today, I sat down with him again. He was again explained the probable future, and it does not look very good. I'm not losing my job or anything, but my job is going to change.

I hear these voices telling me it will work out, and I know that it will. I know I shouldn't worry about an uncertain future.

But- how it is ok to get excited about an uncertain future, but not worry about it?
How can a person be hopeful about the good things coming, but not think about the bad things?

I have not learned how to NOT look to the future, how to not have the future be part of my life TODAY. I like hope too much. I like planning and preparation. It brings me comfort.

Is there a way to have the hope and not the worry? Is there a way to live for today, while planning for the future, without thinking of any of the negative realities that lay ahead?

I had a good day. I had a great day. I'm just a little bummed that a bad day is coming...

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