Friday, January 7, 2011

What's in a name?

Shakespeare wrote, in the voice of Juliet-

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."

This line seems to come into my mind a lot lately. What is in a name? Does it really matter what we are called? I'm finding out that a name means more than you would think.

I don't know my name. 

Legally, my name is Jamie Nicole James. But, for the last several months, since August, I've gone by Jamie Nicole Richmond. I did this for a simple reason. Every parent/teacher conference, at least five parents say to me, "I think your name, Jamie James, is so cute! Is it a married name? You must really love him to marry him with the last name James!"  Yeah- I wasn't going to live with THAT for the rest of forever.

Once I started going by my new name, I knew I was single again. I knew my life was about only myself and the decisions were all about me.

But now, I might stay married.

What is my name while this decision is in limbo? Am I Richmond still- holding out until everything is final? Or am I James, showing my commitment to that end?

I don't mean who am I in public.

At school, I will continue to go by Richmond because I refuse to cause my students and parents confusion. When I sign my credit card receipts I will be James, because I'm not going to the trouble of legally changing my name with so much up in the air.

When I am called Ms. Richmond, it is normal and simple. When I am called Jamie James, I feel happy but scared. Which is better?

Who am I to myself? 

How would the rose feel if we suddenly gave it a new name? 

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