Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday

There were some absolutely great moments today.

1. My English students getting really in to the book we are reading
2. During prep period I did an assignment for a class I am taking, and it gave me an idea for an amazing project to do in my English classes
3. At lunch, I almost cooked and ate another teacher's food. I caught it too late... but no one will confess to it being their food. My friends know... but the rest of the school just wants to know why I want to know who had a hot pocket in the freezer. It is actually pretty funny.
4. Presented data to the faculty during our meeting. Felt very good about it.
5. Class with Cammie: priceless! It is hilarious!
6. Who doesn't enjoy getting a random text that says, "I love you."
7. Debate Finals are just awesome- my students are much better now than at the beginning of the term.
8. I'm sitting at home very happy and content.

My soul is happy.

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