Monday, November 15, 2010

30 Days of Thanks

15. Today I am thankful for seasons. It snowed this morning, and the mountains look beautiful. I love that I just when I get sick of one thing... another season comes. I love the rain in spring, sun (not heat) in summer, leaves of fall... and snowy mountain in winter. Aaaahhhh... nice.
14. Today I am thankful for little girls... especially E, K & K!
13. Today I am thankful for the Hardings. So much of who I am is because I knew them. RIP Kay, and prayers of comfort to your family.
12. Today I'm thankful for Friday- I am SO glad it is the weekend.
11. Today I am thankful for the men and women that serve- the troops and the families. I have so much because of you.
#11b- Today I am also SO thankful for times with friends and family when we get to feel smarter, stronger, funnier, and just better than we feel on a normal basis. (Especially after a lot of time is s...pent in a junior high...)
10. Today I am thankful for the brave... those willing to stand up and say what needs said, even though not everyone will like it. Those willing to do what is honest & right, even when it will make them look bad. Those willing to do what is difficult when everyone else says it is time to quit. There should be more people like you.
9. Today I am thankful for my neighbor teachers- past and present. They are my mentors and friends. They make me smile and help make the rough days better.
8. I am thankful for friends who some how know just when to send a text saying hello! It arrived just after I was called into the principal's office (for the first time ever!) after he'd received a phone call from an angry parent. I apparently told his son I was annoyed by his emails (the dad's) and I have it out for... his son. Good thing I was planning on calling tonight anyway to discuss his son's behavior today.
7. Today I am thankful for roads lined with golden trees. My drive this morning was BEAUTIFUL! It has inspired me to get all my grading done FAST. I've told myself, once it is done I can go on a Mustang cruise up the canyons in SLC. I have plans at 3... so I need to leave by 1:30 to have time in the canyon... so I have 1.5 hours to grade. Time to get to it!
6. Today I am thankful for my parents and the way we were raised. I always felt loved and supported. They attempted to teach us kindness, compassion, and to think for ourselves. I am so thankful for their lessons and positive look on life and people.
5. Today I am thankful for the leaves the crunch under my feet as I walk down the sidewalk in the perfect fall air.
4. Today I am thankful for my extended family- there are so many of you that just make me happy. Even when I don't talk to you for a long time- I feel your love!
3. Today I am thankful for all the people that helped me on my road to being a teacher- especially the administrators that have hired me. For me, teaching is where my "passion and the world's great hunger" meet. I am thankful I found that place where I am fulfilled, and I am so glad others saw me as a teacher, and gave the opportunity to have a classroom of my own.
2. Today I am thankful for the wonders of the pills my neighbor teacher gave me. My awful headache came roaring in 3rd period, but she had pain killers that had it gone in 30 minutes. (While I was still teaching...) I guess more importantly- I am thankful to work next to friends willing to help me out.
1. Today I am thankful for my four year old (almost 5!) niece, and the beautiful art she sent me. It made me smile when I opened it.

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