Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The morning...

I like being up early (when it isn't too early). It is peaceful in the early morning hours. Outside is quiet, and my dogs are asleep. It is a little bit chilly, but that only makes it perfect for cuddling up in my soft blanket.

A four thirty wake up I could get used to... it is the two-o-clock stuff that I just can't handle, when I went to bed at eleven thirty. I like the calmness that is morning, when I know I've had enough sleep to get me through the day.

Or maybe my peace this morning comes from knowing it is a B day AND the day before a 5 day weekend. I just like to say it: B-day equals yearbook (!!!), debate x2 and PREP!!!

I'd probably be able to survive today on no sleep. :)

It is almost five in the morning. I am excited by the possibilities of today. Today I could say something to make a child more knowledgeable than they were yesterday. Today I could smile at someone and their day will be better. Today I could help a person at just the moment they needed to be helped.

Aaaahhhh... today. Today my soul is happy.

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