Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Adventure

This is the first year I've ever really done "Black Friday" shopping. We decided to start at 10 last night, and shop until we ran out of stores or energy. 

First, I must thank CJ for being a fabulous instructor.

Honestly folks- it is NOT as bad as they claim! It was really a lot of fun. We started the night at Toys-r-Us. We stood in line outside for about an hour, but it was moving for most of the last 40 minutes.  No stampeding. A few rude people tried to cut the line, but for the most part it was fun. The people in line behind us were hilarious!

Inside, we waited in line for awhile- but we were warm so we didn't mind.

We also spent time at the mall, Wal-Mart (no problems!), Kohl's, Sears, Bed-Bath&Beyond, Carters... we got most of what we wanted. No one got hurt, though CJ did get pushed a little. 

Funny story- we ran into one store when the doors opened. We saw something that we wanted. It was quite large. We slid it off the shelf into the basket. Then, we realized it was the WRONG item! It was too heavy for us to lift OUT of the basket.  It was so big the basket was actually bending...

We were looking around for a "strong man" to help us out. The only guys around looked to be about 12. Then, I saw a guy and thought, maybe he'd help us.  Then I realized it was my brother-in-law! He was great to help.

In the end- it was fun. It was an all night adventure, and I'd do it again!


Ness said...

Sounds fun! Maybe next time we are all together for Black Friday we can all go!! I've never been :D

Unknown said...

We definitely will next time. CJ is quite the shopper!